The Adversaries and the Advocate
(Have a sealed Fed-Ex envelope as prop)
[Slide] You are familiar with this picture, the last helicopter lifted off from the US Embassy’s rooftop at 7:53 a.m. April 30th 1975, evacuating the last US Marine off to safety, leaving behind a few hundreds Vietnamese who were their close associates.
Imagine for a moment that you are one of those Vietnamese people living in the days leading up to that event.[i] You could sense that the end is near; you would have so much anxiety about what will be coming. Many would try to leave the country, but many would not. My dad was one of them who made the decision to stay back at the time. And those who stay would need to be prepared for the future.
The situation in the last days of Jesus would be fairly similar. They knew that the end was near. But unlike the Fall of Saigon, the Fall of Jesus Christ was a premeditated act, a setup for His final victory. But Jesus also knew that His twelve friends and associates will be without Him, and they need to be prepared for the future.
So in the last discourse with the Twelve (chapters 13-17, which we have been studied in the last couple of weeks), Jesus gave them the final preparations for them to face the future. In this section, Jesus mentioned about two main things: 1) How would the world response to His followers? And 2) how would God plan to help His followers?
Let us pray for illumination...
1) How would the world response to us? We could be hated by the world
If I delivery this message effectively, half of you will not be back here next week. O how I wish I could tell you that if you follow Jesus, you will have health and wealth; you will be success in all your endeavors; and the world around you would love you. But far from it, listen to what Jesus said to His disciples just a few hours before He was crucified:
18 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember the words I spoke to you: ‘No servant is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.
Don’t be mistaken: there is a great possibility that the world around you will hate you because you are a Christian. To some of you, this is so ironic. Your old life was a mess in violence and crime; you became a Christian and turned your life around to a "normal" life, trying to holding down a "normal" routine; and the world around you instead of cutting you some slacks, ended up harassing you even more because you are a Christian.
On the other hand, you must remember that Jesus used the word "If" here, and not "When"; so don’t go out and "pick on people" and made them hate you to show that you are a Christian either. I remember a brother who came and asked me if I had any difficulties in dealing with people in ministry or not. When I answered, "Not really!" he was surprised. He went on and said that if we do our job right, the world would hate us. That’s the confusion between the possibility of the "If" and the unavoidable "When".
To understand this better, we need to ask the question of "Why would the world against us?" There are 3 main reasons according to Jesus:
a) First, the world hate us because it’s not about us, but it’s about Jesus first and foremost (v.18)
In John’s definition, "the world" meant not the physical globe, but the people who do not believe in Christ. So here Jesus reminds us that, as Rick Warren had paraphrased, that "it’s not about us". It’s nothing personal here; the world which rejects Christ and His message will also reject us, the people who follow Him.
So, don’t take it upon yourselves and bemoan: "O, they don’t like us! What can we do to make them like us?" Have you ever face complaints like that in your College group, High School and even Jr. High? Actually, it’s fairly easy to make your non-Christian friends like your group: all you have to do is to have a lot of activities (Disneyland, Magic Mountain, Snowboarding, X-Box game nights, Paintballing, Whitewater Rafting, Hot Air Ballooning, etc.), provide a lot of entertainment; free food too would help; and-don’t-mention-about-Jesus. If you drop God out from all of those things in your fellowship groups, they would like you.
The problem is, "It’s not about you!" So don’t strive to be well-like by your secular friends, by the kids you teach in Sunday school, even by your own son or daughter, etc. Because that will not guarantee that they will like Jesus later on. The question we should concern is not "Why don’t they like us?" but "Why don’t they like Jesus?"
According to the Word of God, there’s no rational reason why anyone should reject Jesus. Jesus said that "24b they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 ... ‘They hated me without reason’" You have probably in this situation before, after presenting the gospel clearly to a friend, when it’s down to two simple choices: on the one hand believe in Jesus and have eternal life with Him; or on the other hand go away from Him and be perished forever. And many of your friends would still reluctant to make the rational choice. Most of the time, the choice to sin was just plain irrational, and people still choose to sin. So just by our sinful human nature alone, the world against Christ and against us, even for no reason.
b) The second reason that the world hate us is because God had taken us out-of-the-world, we are different from the world (v.19)
Here Jesus said that we are no longer travel in the same direction with the world. As Christians, we no longer live for just this short life on earth, but we live longing for the eternal life in heaven. So instead of wanting overtime pay, we want to set aside Sunday to worship; instead of pulling in a few shady deals, we rather make less money in righteous conduct. I just heard that a former youth group member of mine, now had to leave his wife and kid here in California to go to Arizona for job training as a border patrol officer. He couldn’t find a job here because he always checked the box "Do you have any prior conviction?" honestly on the job application form. Now I thank God that his wife is a godly believer and support her husband the whole way. But think for a minute what would happen if she is not a believer, would she hated his righteous action? You bet, because that would hinder them to get ahead in this world. But for the Christians, our purpose is no longer to die with the most toys, but to live forever pleasing our God. We travel in different direction than the world, have different value and mindset, and that’s why the world against us.
c) The third reason that the world hates us is because the they don’t know God (v.21)
Not only they don’t know God, they also have the wrong idea about who He is. Just last week, Chris Rock pleaded with Oscar winners not to thank God in tonight Oscar show: "God's busy working on the tsunami, so leave him alone."[ii] (Last month I had spoken on where is God in the tragedies like the Tsunami so I am not going to take on that again here). Today, God was accused as fostering "racism, sexism, the regulation of private morality, the sacking of the environment, wars, and empire building"[iii]. For sure you heard these attacks often from college professors on campus. The world doesn’t know God, and that’s why the world against us, His people.[iv]
Well, the outlook didn’t look that great, the world against God and the world also against us. So, how should we response to this outlook?
2) So what are we supposed to response?
One way is to take the offensive play. Let’s arm ourselves to the teeth. Let’s retaliate for all the hatred we receive! Nope: we are forbidden to return evil for evil.
Another way is to take the defensive play. The same way that the have gated community for security and safety, let’s have gated church where we can keep the people in and the non-Christians out. Let’s do psychological screening for all new converts to make sure they don’t have psychological predisposition to violence and sexual abuse! Nope: the church was never meant to be an exclusive country club[v]!.
So what are we supposed to do? First, let’s taking a look at what Jesus have in mind. Right after talking about the hatred of the world, the next sentences Jesus disclosed His plan:
"26 "When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning. 1 "All this I have told you so that you will not go astray. 2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. 3 They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. 4 I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell you this at first because I was with you."
God’s plan was to have the Holy Spirit (the same God’s Spirit who was in Jesus) available to each one of us so that we can complete His work in the world. John Stott said it succinctly, "Let the world persecuted the church, and let the church evangelize the world"[vi]
a) First, note that the Counselor comes to testify about Christ to the world – with us.
The term Jesus used here for the Holy Spirit here in the original language has a legal connotation to it. It meant "legal counselor" and not like "school counselor" like what we often think. The Holy Spirit will make a witness about Jesus to the world, together with us (v.26-27).
Why can’t He make the witness by Himself? Why would He need us? One of the important thing to remember is that just earlier in the night, Jesus said that "16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." A pastor amplified the thought this way, "It is important to note that the Spirit comes to the church and not to the world. This means that He works in and through the church. The Holy Spirit does not minister in a vacuum. Just as the Son of God had to have a body in order to do His work on earth, so the Spirit of God needs a body to accomplish His ministries; and that body is the church. . . . The Spirit does not ‘float’ in some ghostly way up and down the rows of a church building, seeking to win the lost. The Holy Spirit works through the people in whom He lives."[vii]
In verses1-4 Jesus gave His disciples a heads up about some tough time ahead, when even Christians would be killed.
The early Christians of John’s day faced intense persecution. Historian Philip Schaff says that "[in those days] there began a carnival of blood such as even heathen Rome never saw before or since....A ‘vast multitude’ of Christians was put to death in the most shocking manner." Some were crucified, some sewn up in animal skins and thrown to the [lions], some were covered in pitch [tar], nailed to wooden posts, and burned as torches. It was in the fallout of this that Peter and Paul gave their lives for their Savior, probably within a year of each other.[viii]
Could those severe persecutions happened to us today? Why not? There are rising persecutions in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, China, North Korea, Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam[ix].
Could those severe persecutions happened to us today in the US? Why not? America have never been as polarized as it is today. Persecutions also happened here, not by the government but by individual hatred. Cassie Bernall was questioned "Do you believe in God?" with a gun pointed to her head. When she answered yes, the killer pulled the trigger. In 1997, three Christian students were killed in the prayer circle at Heath High School West Paducah, KY; in September 1999 Larry Ashbrook walked into a youth group meeting at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth TX, open fire on the worship service, killing 7 and wounded many others[x]; and even just last Wednesday morning, someone set fire to a church in Pittsburgh[xi].
But we are still so blessed compared with the rest of the Christians in the world. If the heat gets turned up over here, will you continue to follow Christ?
At my retreat last week, this question was raised to Muc Su Thach, "How do you know if you are ready to get married?" His answer was, "When you are ready to give up everything, your pride, your job, your ambition, your bad habits, including your life for the one you love!" In the same way, how do you know for sure that you are a follower of Jesus? When you are ready to give up everything, your pride, your job, your ambition, your bad habits, including your life for the One who love you!
Do you feel like, "Aw man! I just wish that we don’t have to go down that tough road of life. Why can’t we just believe in God and go straight to heaven without having to stick around here and facing life?" Jesus know how you feel, he said, "6 Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. 7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you."
For God so loved the world that He gave His son… He also so loved the world that He sent forth His Spirit to us; so that we can continue to love the world the way He does. It is for our good that the Holy Spirit came, so that we can love the way God love. We ought to follow Jesus and to love just like Him regardless of how tough the world is. And God’s Holy Spirit will be by our side to convict the world.
b) That’s the second thing about the Counselor: He comes to convict the world – with us.
"I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; 10 in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned."
Once again let me point out that Jesus didn’t send the Holy Spirit to the world, but to us. It is through our lives of living according to the Spirit that God would convict the world which is against us. Even in the midst of persecutions, our witness will be visible, and stronger, precisely because of persecution. Note the word "convict"; the table is now turned, even though we may face persecution by the world, the Holy Spirit will persecute the persecutors.
Remember the early Christians who were martyred in the 1st century I told you about. As they continue to live and die according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit; God convicted them and eventually the whole Roman Empire turned to Christianity within 300 years later.
The Holy Spirit will convict the world through us in three "regard". First, "in regard to sin, because men do not believe in [Jesus]." Here the church will convict the world on its main problem, not "sins" as related to morality, but in "sin" as in reject God’s love. Second, "in regard to righteousness, because [Jesus went to the Father, and the world now can only see His righteousness as living out through us]." Here the church will convict the world on the standard of righteousness, the "sins" as they reject God’s way. Third, "in regard to judgment, because [we know the future, that Satan had been defeated]." Here the church will convict the world on its destination, as we live according to the hope we have in God, the world will realize that they will face God’s justice one day.[xii]
I trust that in the last two points, you could see the response that God have for the world: He sent the Holy Spirit to continue the work of Jesus, to testify and to convict the world through our lives. The keyword here is "through" our lives.
c) And that brought up the last point we have "How?" The Counselor will also guide us.
"…when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you."
To the world, the Holy Spirit will testify and convict; but to us, He will guide us. There are 3 important aspects of His guidance on our everyday life.
(1) The word "guide" Jesus used had a sense of "conduct", like a tour guide, a tour conductor. When Steve and Niki honeymooned in Europe, they had a tour guide who helped them with the language and custom, walked them through all the sites, explaining point by point of what’s going on. Similarly the Holy Spirit will be like a tour guide. "he will guide you into all truth"; He will walk you through the truth of the Word and the truth about life, and helping you along the way. It’s not one big revelation all at once, but as you follow along your understanding will be increase, you will be more mature. The Holy Spirit’s guidance will be gradual.
(2) But then what would happen if someone claimed that "The Holy Spirit guided me to a brand new truth that no one had heard before"? Jesus said that, "He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears". The Holy Spirit will not invent new and isolated truth, but He will always reveal to us truth that compatible with God’s existing revelation; it will always in line with what God had already said from Scripture. The Holy Spirit’s guidance will be consistence.
(3) "He will tell you what is yet to come": This is not only refer to the ultimate victory of God in the world, but it also means about the results of our action. Just like a tour guide who describes upcoming attractions, the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to where you are going. It will help your understanding of life to see what the results are going to be. The Holy Spirit’s guidance will be consequential.
Many of you are familiar with this clip in the first Matrix. Neo was living in a hostile environment. Someone delivered to him a FedEx package; he opened and found a cell phone. The phone ring, he picked up, "They are looking for you, Neo". And the cell phone talked him through when to dash, when to dodge, where to go. Eventually, Neo know where he is and where he needs to go, and through him many others also learn to be free from the Matrix as well.
Jesus left, but He left his disciples totally prepared to face the future. The Spirit of God will guide us through this life.
(Have the cell phone ringing through the Fed-Ex envelope, open it, take the phone out, but don’t answer[xiii]).
* Every the morning, He offered guidance through the Bible, do you read it?
* Through out the day, He whispered gentle reminders that come through your mind. Do you listen to it?
* At lunch break, He provided advice from a magazine; can you discern it?
* In the evening, He wanted to give you a warning through one of your small group friends; are you humble enough to take it?
You are living in a hostile environment. But God wants you to be his agent of change for that environment. Are you trusting and following the guidance of your Counselor?
(Pick up the phone to make it stop ringing)[xiv].
[Slide] You are familiar with this picture, the last helicopter lifted off from the US Embassy’s rooftop at 7:53 a.m. April 30th 1975, evacuating the last US Marine off to safety, leaving behind a few hundreds Vietnamese who were their close associates.
Imagine for a moment that you are one of those Vietnamese people living in the days leading up to that event.[i] You could sense that the end is near; you would have so much anxiety about what will be coming. Many would try to leave the country, but many would not. My dad was one of them who made the decision to stay back at the time. And those who stay would need to be prepared for the future.
The situation in the last days of Jesus would be fairly similar. They knew that the end was near. But unlike the Fall of Saigon, the Fall of Jesus Christ was a premeditated act, a setup for His final victory. But Jesus also knew that His twelve friends and associates will be without Him, and they need to be prepared for the future.
So in the last discourse with the Twelve (chapters 13-17, which we have been studied in the last couple of weeks), Jesus gave them the final preparations for them to face the future. In this section, Jesus mentioned about two main things: 1) How would the world response to His followers? And 2) how would God plan to help His followers?
Let us pray for illumination...
1) How would the world response to us? We could be hated by the world
If I delivery this message effectively, half of you will not be back here next week. O how I wish I could tell you that if you follow Jesus, you will have health and wealth; you will be success in all your endeavors; and the world around you would love you. But far from it, listen to what Jesus said to His disciples just a few hours before He was crucified:
18 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember the words I spoke to you: ‘No servant is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.
Don’t be mistaken: there is a great possibility that the world around you will hate you because you are a Christian. To some of you, this is so ironic. Your old life was a mess in violence and crime; you became a Christian and turned your life around to a "normal" life, trying to holding down a "normal" routine; and the world around you instead of cutting you some slacks, ended up harassing you even more because you are a Christian.
On the other hand, you must remember that Jesus used the word "If" here, and not "When"; so don’t go out and "pick on people" and made them hate you to show that you are a Christian either. I remember a brother who came and asked me if I had any difficulties in dealing with people in ministry or not. When I answered, "Not really!" he was surprised. He went on and said that if we do our job right, the world would hate us. That’s the confusion between the possibility of the "If" and the unavoidable "When".
To understand this better, we need to ask the question of "Why would the world against us?" There are 3 main reasons according to Jesus:
a) First, the world hate us because it’s not about us, but it’s about Jesus first and foremost (v.18)
In John’s definition, "the world" meant not the physical globe, but the people who do not believe in Christ. So here Jesus reminds us that, as Rick Warren had paraphrased, that "it’s not about us". It’s nothing personal here; the world which rejects Christ and His message will also reject us, the people who follow Him.
So, don’t take it upon yourselves and bemoan: "O, they don’t like us! What can we do to make them like us?" Have you ever face complaints like that in your College group, High School and even Jr. High? Actually, it’s fairly easy to make your non-Christian friends like your group: all you have to do is to have a lot of activities (Disneyland, Magic Mountain, Snowboarding, X-Box game nights, Paintballing, Whitewater Rafting, Hot Air Ballooning, etc.), provide a lot of entertainment; free food too would help; and-don’t-mention-about-Jesus. If you drop God out from all of those things in your fellowship groups, they would like you.
The problem is, "It’s not about you!" So don’t strive to be well-like by your secular friends, by the kids you teach in Sunday school, even by your own son or daughter, etc. Because that will not guarantee that they will like Jesus later on. The question we should concern is not "Why don’t they like us?" but "Why don’t they like Jesus?"
According to the Word of God, there’s no rational reason why anyone should reject Jesus. Jesus said that "24b they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 ... ‘They hated me without reason’" You have probably in this situation before, after presenting the gospel clearly to a friend, when it’s down to two simple choices: on the one hand believe in Jesus and have eternal life with Him; or on the other hand go away from Him and be perished forever. And many of your friends would still reluctant to make the rational choice. Most of the time, the choice to sin was just plain irrational, and people still choose to sin. So just by our sinful human nature alone, the world against Christ and against us, even for no reason.
b) The second reason that the world hate us is because God had taken us out-of-the-world, we are different from the world (v.19)
Here Jesus said that we are no longer travel in the same direction with the world. As Christians, we no longer live for just this short life on earth, but we live longing for the eternal life in heaven. So instead of wanting overtime pay, we want to set aside Sunday to worship; instead of pulling in a few shady deals, we rather make less money in righteous conduct. I just heard that a former youth group member of mine, now had to leave his wife and kid here in California to go to Arizona for job training as a border patrol officer. He couldn’t find a job here because he always checked the box "Do you have any prior conviction?" honestly on the job application form. Now I thank God that his wife is a godly believer and support her husband the whole way. But think for a minute what would happen if she is not a believer, would she hated his righteous action? You bet, because that would hinder them to get ahead in this world. But for the Christians, our purpose is no longer to die with the most toys, but to live forever pleasing our God. We travel in different direction than the world, have different value and mindset, and that’s why the world against us.
c) The third reason that the world hates us is because the they don’t know God (v.21)
Not only they don’t know God, they also have the wrong idea about who He is. Just last week, Chris Rock pleaded with Oscar winners not to thank God in tonight Oscar show: "God's busy working on the tsunami, so leave him alone."[ii] (Last month I had spoken on where is God in the tragedies like the Tsunami so I am not going to take on that again here). Today, God was accused as fostering "racism, sexism, the regulation of private morality, the sacking of the environment, wars, and empire building"[iii]. For sure you heard these attacks often from college professors on campus. The world doesn’t know God, and that’s why the world against us, His people.[iv]
Well, the outlook didn’t look that great, the world against God and the world also against us. So, how should we response to this outlook?
2) So what are we supposed to response?
One way is to take the offensive play. Let’s arm ourselves to the teeth. Let’s retaliate for all the hatred we receive! Nope: we are forbidden to return evil for evil.
Another way is to take the defensive play. The same way that the have gated community for security and safety, let’s have gated church where we can keep the people in and the non-Christians out. Let’s do psychological screening for all new converts to make sure they don’t have psychological predisposition to violence and sexual abuse! Nope: the church was never meant to be an exclusive country club[v]!.
So what are we supposed to do? First, let’s taking a look at what Jesus have in mind. Right after talking about the hatred of the world, the next sentences Jesus disclosed His plan:
"26 "When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning. 1 "All this I have told you so that you will not go astray. 2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. 3 They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. 4 I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell you this at first because I was with you."
God’s plan was to have the Holy Spirit (the same God’s Spirit who was in Jesus) available to each one of us so that we can complete His work in the world. John Stott said it succinctly, "Let the world persecuted the church, and let the church evangelize the world"[vi]
a) First, note that the Counselor comes to testify about Christ to the world – with us.
The term Jesus used here for the Holy Spirit here in the original language has a legal connotation to it. It meant "legal counselor" and not like "school counselor" like what we often think. The Holy Spirit will make a witness about Jesus to the world, together with us (v.26-27).
Why can’t He make the witness by Himself? Why would He need us? One of the important thing to remember is that just earlier in the night, Jesus said that "16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." A pastor amplified the thought this way, "It is important to note that the Spirit comes to the church and not to the world. This means that He works in and through the church. The Holy Spirit does not minister in a vacuum. Just as the Son of God had to have a body in order to do His work on earth, so the Spirit of God needs a body to accomplish His ministries; and that body is the church. . . . The Spirit does not ‘float’ in some ghostly way up and down the rows of a church building, seeking to win the lost. The Holy Spirit works through the people in whom He lives."[vii]
In verses1-4 Jesus gave His disciples a heads up about some tough time ahead, when even Christians would be killed.
The early Christians of John’s day faced intense persecution. Historian Philip Schaff says that "[in those days] there began a carnival of blood such as even heathen Rome never saw before or since....A ‘vast multitude’ of Christians was put to death in the most shocking manner." Some were crucified, some sewn up in animal skins and thrown to the [lions], some were covered in pitch [tar], nailed to wooden posts, and burned as torches. It was in the fallout of this that Peter and Paul gave their lives for their Savior, probably within a year of each other.[viii]
Could those severe persecutions happened to us today? Why not? There are rising persecutions in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, China, North Korea, Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam[ix].
Could those severe persecutions happened to us today in the US? Why not? America have never been as polarized as it is today. Persecutions also happened here, not by the government but by individual hatred. Cassie Bernall was questioned "Do you believe in God?" with a gun pointed to her head. When she answered yes, the killer pulled the trigger. In 1997, three Christian students were killed in the prayer circle at Heath High School West Paducah, KY; in September 1999 Larry Ashbrook walked into a youth group meeting at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth TX, open fire on the worship service, killing 7 and wounded many others[x]; and even just last Wednesday morning, someone set fire to a church in Pittsburgh[xi].
But we are still so blessed compared with the rest of the Christians in the world. If the heat gets turned up over here, will you continue to follow Christ?
At my retreat last week, this question was raised to Muc Su Thach, "How do you know if you are ready to get married?" His answer was, "When you are ready to give up everything, your pride, your job, your ambition, your bad habits, including your life for the one you love!" In the same way, how do you know for sure that you are a follower of Jesus? When you are ready to give up everything, your pride, your job, your ambition, your bad habits, including your life for the One who love you!
Do you feel like, "Aw man! I just wish that we don’t have to go down that tough road of life. Why can’t we just believe in God and go straight to heaven without having to stick around here and facing life?" Jesus know how you feel, he said, "6 Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. 7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you."
For God so loved the world that He gave His son… He also so loved the world that He sent forth His Spirit to us; so that we can continue to love the world the way He does. It is for our good that the Holy Spirit came, so that we can love the way God love. We ought to follow Jesus and to love just like Him regardless of how tough the world is. And God’s Holy Spirit will be by our side to convict the world.
b) That’s the second thing about the Counselor: He comes to convict the world – with us.
"I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; 10 in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned."
Once again let me point out that Jesus didn’t send the Holy Spirit to the world, but to us. It is through our lives of living according to the Spirit that God would convict the world which is against us. Even in the midst of persecutions, our witness will be visible, and stronger, precisely because of persecution. Note the word "convict"; the table is now turned, even though we may face persecution by the world, the Holy Spirit will persecute the persecutors.
Remember the early Christians who were martyred in the 1st century I told you about. As they continue to live and die according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit; God convicted them and eventually the whole Roman Empire turned to Christianity within 300 years later.
The Holy Spirit will convict the world through us in three "regard". First, "in regard to sin, because men do not believe in [Jesus]." Here the church will convict the world on its main problem, not "sins" as related to morality, but in "sin" as in reject God’s love. Second, "in regard to righteousness, because [Jesus went to the Father, and the world now can only see His righteousness as living out through us]." Here the church will convict the world on the standard of righteousness, the "sins" as they reject God’s way. Third, "in regard to judgment, because [we know the future, that Satan had been defeated]." Here the church will convict the world on its destination, as we live according to the hope we have in God, the world will realize that they will face God’s justice one day.[xii]
I trust that in the last two points, you could see the response that God have for the world: He sent the Holy Spirit to continue the work of Jesus, to testify and to convict the world through our lives. The keyword here is "through" our lives.
c) And that brought up the last point we have "How?" The Counselor will also guide us.
"…when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you."
To the world, the Holy Spirit will testify and convict; but to us, He will guide us. There are 3 important aspects of His guidance on our everyday life.
(1) The word "guide" Jesus used had a sense of "conduct", like a tour guide, a tour conductor. When Steve and Niki honeymooned in Europe, they had a tour guide who helped them with the language and custom, walked them through all the sites, explaining point by point of what’s going on. Similarly the Holy Spirit will be like a tour guide. "he will guide you into all truth"; He will walk you through the truth of the Word and the truth about life, and helping you along the way. It’s not one big revelation all at once, but as you follow along your understanding will be increase, you will be more mature. The Holy Spirit’s guidance will be gradual.
(2) But then what would happen if someone claimed that "The Holy Spirit guided me to a brand new truth that no one had heard before"? Jesus said that, "He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears". The Holy Spirit will not invent new and isolated truth, but He will always reveal to us truth that compatible with God’s existing revelation; it will always in line with what God had already said from Scripture. The Holy Spirit’s guidance will be consistence.
(3) "He will tell you what is yet to come": This is not only refer to the ultimate victory of God in the world, but it also means about the results of our action. Just like a tour guide who describes upcoming attractions, the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to where you are going. It will help your understanding of life to see what the results are going to be. The Holy Spirit’s guidance will be consequential.
Many of you are familiar with this clip in the first Matrix. Neo was living in a hostile environment. Someone delivered to him a FedEx package; he opened and found a cell phone. The phone ring, he picked up, "They are looking for you, Neo". And the cell phone talked him through when to dash, when to dodge, where to go. Eventually, Neo know where he is and where he needs to go, and through him many others also learn to be free from the Matrix as well.
Jesus left, but He left his disciples totally prepared to face the future. The Spirit of God will guide us through this life.
(Have the cell phone ringing through the Fed-Ex envelope, open it, take the phone out, but don’t answer[xiii]).
* Every the morning, He offered guidance through the Bible, do you read it?
* Through out the day, He whispered gentle reminders that come through your mind. Do you listen to it?
* At lunch break, He provided advice from a magazine; can you discern it?
* In the evening, He wanted to give you a warning through one of your small group friends; are you humble enough to take it?
You are living in a hostile environment. But God wants you to be his agent of change for that environment. Are you trusting and following the guidance of your Counselor?
(Pick up the phone to make it stop ringing)[xiv].
[i] For a better perspective, perhaps you should check out Dirck Halstead's "WHITE CHRISTMAS: The Fall Of Saigon - A Photographer's Diary: April 20-30, 1975 " from
[ii] USA Today 2/22/05 "Chris Rock clarifies Oscar comments"
[iii] Vidal, Gore "Monotheism and Its Discontents", NY Random House, p.1048ff; as quoted from Len Sweet’s Soul Tsunami, p.67
[iv] And we didn’t help much with the church scene either. Boring teachings, sloppy worship, unprepared activities, shallow fellowship, self-serving services are all the distractions preventing people from knowing God.
[v] This is what Jesus said about being salt without any saltiness, only fit to be thrown out by God
[vi] From John Stott’s message to Urbana’s International Student Mission Conference 1970
[vii] Wiersbe, 1:362; as quoted from Dr. Tom Constable's Expository Notes on the Bible on this passage.
[viii] Philip Schaff, "History of the Christian Church, Vol. 1, Apostolic Christianity: A.D. 1-100" (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1910), p. 381-82, 252, 329-330.
[ix] For a simple list of specific persecutions here, you can check out "Soul Tsunami", p.64. You can also read the latest Dept. of State Report of International Religious Freedom at (Vietnam portion is
[x] Time Magazine, "Terror In The Sanctuary" by David Van Biema - Sept. 27, 1999 (,10987,992058,00.html). The article also mentioned the West Paducah incident but didn’t mention the specific details. There is a memorial web site ( which provided more information.
[xii] Thanks to Ray Steadman on his insights on the three fold convictions of the Holy Spirit through the church as well as the three guidance of the Spirit on gradual truth, non-isolated truth, and integrative truth on the next segment.
[xiii] The ringing cell phone was borrowed from Rob Bell from an interview of Christianity Today from - I still have no idea what point he was illustrating with it, but it clicks well with the Matrix so I go with it.
[xiv] The ringing cell phone at the conclusion threw me off a bit; because after the phone was ringing 4 times, it stopped (my voice mail pick it up); but since I was having the other cell phone on the lectern, I was able to redial it again. For whatever it worth, the kids seem to remember the ending point, so I guess it works. (Note to self, find way to disable the voice mail the next time...)
mar13, at 7:48 AM
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